The past couple of weeks have been a complete whirlwind of so many high points and I truly admit that sometimes I forget that I have cancer.
The 1st annual Cabral’s Crusaders Fundraiser was an enormous success. I was so proud of the event and so happy with the way it turned out. I had a room full of approximately 150 people that truly love and support Trevor, the kids and myself and that felt really good! It was a night when all of my worlds collided, I had my childhood friends, my college friends, sorority sisters, work friends, mom friends, and wonderful family members all together for what I think was a really fun night. The most important part was that we were able to profit close to $10,000 which will be applied to the team bank for the Cabral’s Crusaders 2017 Jimmy Fund Walk!!! We should all be so proud. This was truly a team effort. I am so thankful for all of the donations that poured in for this event. I am thankful to everyone that attended and am so thankful to the ones that bought tickets even though you could not make it. As a said in my little speech at the event, “You are all truly the force behind our strength in this battle” and for that we could never show how truly appreciative we are. I want to send special shout outs to Metacomet Country Club and especially Alitha Wood. They were amazing and so generous with us and our event and provided us with a beautiful and perfect venue for the night. A huge thank you to Fevah Dream. I have been friends with these guys for close to 15 years and have heard them so many times. Rocking out with you guys that night made me feel 21 again!!! You are all great friends and the way you supported me that night and continue to support me will not be forgotten. Thank you, thank you, thank you to Kim Keune who donated her time and captured the time with gorgeous photos that we can always look back on!! Thank you, Lauren Brady who helped me, on numerous Saturdays behind the scenes getting things ready and was a huge help the day/night of setting everything up and helping to make sure everything ran smoothly. Thank you to Nicole and Sarah who manned the registration table. Thank you to Beth and Michelle who sold tickets. Thank you to all of the people who helped run the most efficient raffle that I have ever seen!! Love to you all.
A few days after the event, Trevor and I took off to Nashville with a really great and fun group of people. Being the country music lover that I am, I have been wanting to go to Nashville for quite some time now and boy did it not disappoint. We had so many laughs, listened to great music, rocked cowboy boots and drank WAY too many Bud Lights. Definitely a check off of my bucket list but I hope to be back there again one day!
This past Wednesday was scan day! Always an anxiety riddled day but I felt eerily peaceful about the day. Is this because, it is becoming routine to me or that I know I have no control over what is going to happen only how I can react to it? Not sure yet, still working on that one! Regardless, after a long day of scanning and being re-scanned (which always causes some concern) my oncologist walked in and said the 6 letters that mean the most to a Stage 4 Breast Cancer patient- STABLE! I am still stable!! Thank god! Things are continuing to work and more importantly I continue to feel good!!
**The 2017 Jimmy Fund walk is going to be on September 24th! If you would like to join our team please visit: Be sure to use the code Crusaders to receive $5 off of your registration! Let’s make this year’s team bigger than last year!!
** Please visit this link to view some of the entrance photos from the fundraiser. You can purchase the photos on the site and a portion of the proceeds will be donated to our team!Cabral Wine and Beer Tasting Fundraiser
**If you would like to book a photo session with Kim, please visit for contact info. Be sure to mention our event and she will donate a portion of your session fee to our team!!
Click here to view the slide show that was presented at the fundraiser highlighting the 2016 Cabral’s Crusaders and the reasons why we walk!

Trevor tired from a long day at DFCI!
Amazing! What great news. You truly are an inspiration ❤