Cabral’s Crusaders

When I started this team for the upcoming Jimmy Fund walk last month, I did not expect much to come of it. I thought this was going to be our trial run as it was our first year participating. Maybe I could get 10 people to join me, raise a couple thousand dollars and sell some shirts! Boy was I wrong! As of this morning OUR team has 30 members, has raised over $20,000 towards a cure for all cancers and has sold 95 t-shirts!!! I am amazed by this! We have started off at an amazing place and I cannot wait to see how this will grow over the years! This is going to be my way of giving back to me new cancer community and when I am gone (hopefully in a really long time) this will be a way for my kids to keep my memory going!! So thank you all for the support. You will never know how much this truly means to me.

Someone in one of my support groups recently described my diagnosis as having the sand timer flipped over! I am essentially watching the sand and waiting for it to run out. While I am waiting for the sand to run out (I am confident that my sand timer is HUGE and that sand is flowing really slowly!), life in general is short! No one’s tomorrow is guaranteed! So live life to the fullest every day! Surround yourself with people who bring the best to your life and get rid of all of the negatives! I have always tried to live this way but now more than ever see how important it is!

2 thoughts on “Cabral’s Crusaders

  1. Michelle de Sousa Moore says:

    You have always inspired me April and continue to do so! I am so blessed to call you my Big Sister ( AST Love) and am grateful that my girls get to call you Tia April and will be laughing with and learning from you for a VERY long time! #hugesandtimer


  2. Brandy says:

    You are an amazing woman April. I commend you on your strength and positivity. It is great that you are giving back, this cause is very close to my heart and I am happy to help in any way I can. You and your family are in my prayers. Tau ❤️

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